PS4 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Last updated: October 4, 2023

Those who prefer role-playing game probably already know how much fun PS4 "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" can be. You'll enjoy adventures through the character of a sellsword during wartime in Greece. Stunning graphics and authentic voice narration make this game a truly immersive experience.

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In our analysis of 169 expert reviews, the PS4 Assassin's Creed Odyssey placed 8th when we looked at the top 15 products in the category. For the full ranking, see below.

From The Manufacturer

Write your own epic odyssey and become a legendary Spartan hero. Forge your destiny in a world on the brink of tearing itself apart. Influence how history unfolds in an ever-changing world shaped by your choices.

Expert Reviews

What reviewers liked

And, speaking of killing, we need to talk about the combat. Origins marked a huge step towards a more RPG way of doing things, levelling up your character, swapping out weapons to add nuance to the combat, and a load of other new features, but Odyssey takes that and dials it all the way up to 11.
Essentially, there’s a ton of stuff to do In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. While Origins was certainly a long game with lots of activities, Odyssey feels like it blows Origins out of the water in that regard.
The music and voice acting are both some of the best in the series. Accents are mostly Mediterranean, which helps sell the idea of this being ancient Greece.
The brilliant art direction deserves and unspeakable amount of acclaim for capturing a painterly eye in even the most banal settings. Dense forests, busy towns, and war-town coastlines all take on greater purpose when they are done in such exquisite detail.
As with every RPG, a bit of grind is involved to move along in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. If I was playing the game on my own, I would have loved this.
The most welcome change though is the new, recommended exploration mode. Instead of markers showing you where you need to go, you’re now given clues to locations that you need to find for yourself.
In the end, the shift to a more ambitious RPG style of play makes complete sense. After all, history is much, much more than just a parkour playground – it’s an interconnected amalgam of stories, characters, conflicts and daily life that all combine to author key events in the chronicles of humanity.
The one thing that I do like about the system is that when you kill bounty hunters, you then take their spot on the mercenary list and thus you can collect bounties on your own. By visiting the information booths in most towns or by talking to certain people, you can then go out and search for people to kill yourself. It’s a fun and easy way to collect drachma and other supplies.
The game is huge, epic, titanic, akin to other adventure games that threaten to consume both your every waking thought, and every moment you can spare.
Things get more interesting with the new mercenary system. If people see you commit illegal actions like murder or theft, your bounty meter rises, further encouraging you to play stealthily.
In terms of visual design, Odyssey is up there with one of the best looking games in the series.
Odyssey demands that you complete an incredible amount of outside missions to progress, and it begins to feel repetitive once you realize that you’ve played all of these quests before: Go here, investigate this, talk to that person, kill this person, grab stuff from a chest.
That layer of player choice in shaping Odyssey's main character is just one of a host of things added to the Origins formula.
The third and most enjoyable are the side-missions.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a worthy follow-up to Origins, incorporating new gameplay ideas while following the same formula as its predecessor.
Picking your protagonist at the start sets the tone for what Odyssey claims to be about: choice. This is most successfully shown in its two gameplay modes: Guided and Exploration.
It’s an extravagant pilgrimage you take as Alexios or Kassandra, and the only thing holding it back from true greatness is the encroaching imbalance of the game’s leveling system, given how frequently your next major objective is left hundreds of thousands of hard-won experience points ahead of where you need to be.
But, as I said, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a perfectly fine experience that works as an open-world action RPG.
The elements introduced in the previous game are more fleshed out, while the new mechanics feel a bit overdesigned and could even be forgotten about.
Ancient Greece is an incredibly detailed and vibrant setting
Greece is typically huge, though this time much of it is ocean as naval warfare makes a return.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is a huge, ambitious game.
Despite this, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey still manages to boast an incredible open-world adventure that strikes a stellar balance between virtual tourism of historical locations and a silly, over-the-top adventure that seldom takes itself too seriously.
Odyssey is a breathtakingly stunning game, offering a rich, diverse tapestry of architectural beauty.
On the other side of the coin, Odyssey has a lot going on and it’s possible that the many different objectives and mechanics can become overwhelming.
I tend to become obsessed with the quest for gear to make my character unique and powerful, and this is handled well in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
The controls, the menus, the user interface -- it's very much built on the foundations laid by last year's release.
And then there’s the final quarter of the game, an immensely impressive and largely optional chunk of content that is drenched in Assassin’s Creed tropes.
- Kotaku
Odyssey puts you in the role of a sellsword during a tumultuous time for Greece, with Athens in the midst of a violent war with Sparta.
But for the low price of $10, you can have the XP rate permanently increase by 50 percent.
- Heavy
An excellent musical score accompanies your adventures, and the voice work is good overall. The conversations with Sokrates are especially enjoyable
The “mythical” battles of Odyssey are probably some of the best sequences, though I won’t say more about those as to not ruin the surprise.
- Forbes
Odyssey’s writing is good, skilfully navigating humour and emotion, though it would benefit the game if it trusted its writing more instead of throwing combat into situations that don’t need it.

What reviewers didn't like

And when the loading times can be lengthy enough for you to make a cup of tea in, you will curse that autosave trickery.
Minor technical bugs
Nobody cares about the present-day story
It is a shame that the romance never feels more meaningful, though it is somewhat reflective of the ancient Greeks and the kinkiness that they were prone too, so that's a win for historical accuracy.
Fighting foes with sword, daggers, spear and bludgeons is fast, frantic and slightly floaty, but both the weapon and kill animations are stellar and portray the power fantasy of being a Greek warrior very well.
Load times between deaths and cutscenes are very long. The game also occasionally stops to load at random times as the screen freezes and buffers.
Even in just the main story thread, that bloated, out-of-sorts feeling permeates a lot of what you're doing.
This problem becomes exacerbated when Odyssey moves into the endgame and the amount of grinding required to finish the campaign becomes apparent.
Open world games have been criticized for having so many immersion-breaking quest markers present on the HUD at once, and anyone who played Origins knows that this series is not exempt from being on the list of offenders.
While the combat holds back the stealth, the leveling system holds back the combat and stealth. Like Origins, Odyssey is hellbent on gating off certain content from the player if they fail to grind or level to a certain point.
However, that’s probably my biggest issue with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey—it has no real identity of its own.
Frequent and occasionally long loading times, some framerate issues on base PS4.
Slow pacing that can make playing the already overwhelming campaign a drag
Unfortunately, the game also has some technical issues. Playing on base PlayStation 4, the game stops far too often to load, particularly before every conversation with a quest giver.
It doesn’t quite have the same level of visual variation that Origins benefited from with its vast swathes of desert next to lush areas around the river Nile and the enduring mystery of the pyramids
That said, the foundations being built paint an exciting future for Assassin’s Creed, even if its dialogue system and romantic pursuits falter more often than they succeed.
Combat is a concoction of strategic counterting, dodging (made all the more easier by the fact you can dive and roll) and cinematic flare.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey gets off to a bit of a slow start with a lengthy tutorial island that introduces the many mechanics and features to players.
Bounty hunters are back, which I was a fan of in theory but grew to dislike.
As with most Assassin’s games, there’s a lot of repetition in Odyssey
My biggest problem with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey not only lies with the game itself but in how Ubisoft conducts its business.
- Heavy
The volatility of the mercenary system is a symptom of a bigger problem: the rarity of deliberately crafted gameplay.
But I feel like this game is just…a bit much. A bit much so soon after Origins, and a bit much where it literally takes almost 60 hours to complete all four main questlines and hit level 50.
- Forbes
At the beginning, the game feels too slow, teasing you with a range of combat abilities but then making you painstakingly unlock each of them.
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