If You Use Dial Soap, You Could Be Owed Some Money Through This Class-Action Settlement


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Dial Soap has settled a $7.4 million class-action lawsuit in order to resolve numerous lawsuits against the company, according to Top Class Actions LLC.

The company was being sued for its marketing use of “Kills 99.99% of Germs encountered in household settings” and “Number 1 Doctor Recommended Antibacterial Liquid Hand Wash.” While the company is admitting to no wrongdoing, it has agreed to settle to avoid the costs of further litigation.

This means that anyone who’s purchased Dial Soap between Jan. 1, 2001 and Jan. 2, 2019 is entitled to some money — specifically $0.27 per package for up to 30 packages.

You’re eligible to receive a total of $8.10 without proof of purchase. If claiming to have purchased more than 30 packages of soap, however, proof of purchase will be required. If you can provide purchase receipts, you could be entitled to an additional $0.27 for each purchase.


To file a claim, you must fill out this online form no later than April 12.

Since this class action settlement was brought about by the fact that Dial Soap is claiming to kill 99.9% of germs, it begs the question — what percentage of germs does hand soap actually kill?

According to an article written by Sabrina Stierwalt, Ph.D., for Everyday Einstein, the “99.99%” soap companies claim are actually based on lab results, but laboratory conditions are not an accurate representation of the germs we come into contact with in our everyday lives.

Apparently, a study that examined the hand-washing practices of eighth graders in Hamilton, Ontario, found that hand-washing removed only 46-60% of germs.


However, in an article comparing hand sanitizer and hand soap, the CDC still claims that using soap and water to wash your hands “is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on them in most situations.”

That being said, there’s still a “right” way to wash your hands to make the process as effective as possible. According to the CDC, you should scrub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before rinsing them, making sure to get in between your fingers and even under your nails. You can see the full list of tips on their website.

While Dial Soap may not be completely wrong in claiming to kill 99.99% of germs on account of their lab testing, the results are likely still different from what we’re up against outside of the lab and, as Stierwalt points out, even if the 99.99% is accurate, the remaining .01% still matters.

“The remaining 0.1% may sound insignificant, but 0.1% of a lot is, well, still a lot,” she said.

Make up for lost time by using the best hand-washing practice possible and remember to submit your claim in order to get some of your money back from Dial if you purchased their soap between 2001 and 2019.

About the Author
Augusta Statz

Augusta Statz holds a B.F.A. in Writing from the Savannah College of Art and Design. She's an avid writer with a genuine sense of curiosity. She feels the best way to absorb the world around you is through fashion, art and food, so that’s what she spends most of her time writing about. More.