This Awesome Lifestyle App PAYS You For Making Healthy Choices


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Now that the new year is underway, most of us have made resolutions to live a healthier lifestyle. Less sugar, more exercise, no alcohol—you name it. We all want to look and feel our best. Yet staying committed to these resolutions is not always easy. In fact, 35 percent of us will break our resolutions before the end of January, and fewer than 25 percent of us will actually achieve our goals.

Um, that’s kind of depressing.

But there is hope on the horizon. A new online program and app called Achievemint is making our healthy lifestyle goals easier to keep. How? By PAYING us for making healthy choices!

Yep, you read that right. How would you to like to earn actual cash for making choices that will benefit your body and your mind? Sign us up!

So, how does the program work? It’s pretty simple. Enroll at Achievemint and follow the simple set-up process. Achievemint will link to your existing health apps such as Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, etc. There are over 28 health, fitness and lifestyle apps currently linked to the program, and more are being added all the time.

Now what? Just start making healthy choices! For every healthy action you take (such as logging steps on your Fitbit, posting pictures of your nutritious, low-carb dinner on Instagram, loading your daily calories into your MyFitnessPal, etc.), Achievemint is taking note—and you are racking up points with every step in the right direction.

For every 1,000 points you log, you get $1, according to Mashable. Luckily, just about anything related to health is fair game, so accumulating points is relatively easy.

Um, how awesome is that? You can literally earn money just by going to Whole Foods and picking up some produce, by tweeting a picture of your awesome salad, or by taking a walk with a friend. And, oh yeah, all that stuff is actually good for you, too!

Win-win. Time to go sign up!

[h/t: The Penny Hoarder]

About the Author
Bridget Sharkey

Bridget Sharkey is a freelance writer/ghostwriter with a background in publicity. As a ghostwriter, she conceives, researches and composes original content for clients in the fields of business, hospitality, lifestyle, technology and relationships. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with her husband and children, Maeve and Malcolm. You can reach her at More.