About DWYM
John Matarese started Don’t Waste Your Money in 1999 and over the past 20 years has helped millions of consumers by providing in-depth research and product information.
At our very core, we are journalists. It runs in our blood to investigate, uncover truths and share. We relish in giving you the chops to confidently get amazing products and services at great deals and avoid scams and budget pitfalls through our advocacy, advice and expertise. Ultimately, we want to help make your buying, spending and saving moments more inspired and budget-friendly.
We promise to put our investigative know-how to very good use, so you don’t waste your money.
DWYM Product Reviews
With hundreds of websites providing reviews on products, it can be overwhelming to know where to go and which to trust when you’re trying to determine the best product to buy. It’s awesome that so many websites are reviewing products and when you combine all these reviews together, the absolute best products will rise to the top.
How It Works
That’s where DWYM Reviews comes in. Our team of product geeks do our own product reviews but also pull together reviews from all the top sites across the internet. We then create a score that combines our own reviews along with ratings and recommendations from other trusted sites. The result is the DWYM Review Score, which is a 1-10 rating.
Our score gives a higher weight to leading and trusted sites, but we also include small blogs and niche sites that specialize in a specific category. In addition to website expert reviews and our own hands-on testing, we pull in the ratings of actual other consumers. Those ratings get blended into the score, too.
Learn more about our review process.
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